Europe EQD 2020
Featured speakers
Pre-registration is closed. Walk-in registrations may be accepted.
Multi-Asset ¦ Risk Premia ¦ Volatility ¦ ESG ¦ Fixed Income ¦ Global Macro ¦ Alternatives
Europe EQD is the largest systematic investing forum for institutional investors in EMEA. Europe EQD allows asset managers, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurers, family offices and private banks to network and connect with peers, to learn about the latest approaches to systematic investing across asset classes and markets, and to hear case studies on how investors seek to increasingly diversify their portfolios. The content at Europe EQD is shaped by the leading institutional investors and portfolio managers active in systematic investing.
Visit the Europe EQD 2019 page to view past sessions and speakers.
The theme of Days 1 and 2 is diversified alternatives covering a broad range of topics. Speakers and panelists will provide case studies covering areas such as multi-asset investing, risk premia, volatility, fixed income, global macro as well as traditional alternatives such as commodities and private equity.
Day 3 is an institutional investor-only day covering the latest approaches in socially responsible investing and systematic ESG. During Day 3, investors will network and listen to case studies covering ESG implementation across asset classes, what challenges exist – data, monitoring, reporting, dialogue, implementation – and ultimately how SRI/ESG can be recognized as a driver of value.
Europe EQD Speakers
Didier Anthamatten, Unigestion
Alexandre Butigieg, Lyxor Asset Management
Mirko Cardinale , USS
Aneet Chachra, Janus Henderson
Eddie Cheng, Wells Fargo Asset Management
Pete Clarke, UBS
Stephen Coltman, Aberdeen Standard Investments
Garrett DeSimone, OptionMetrics
Guillaume Dupin, LFIS
Abhinandan Deb, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Luiz Felix, APG Asset Management
Daniel Fields, PremiaLab
Sean Flanagan, Morgan Stanley
Xavier Folleas, BNP Paribas
Thibaut Herens, Optiver
Rob Hocking, CBOE
Farouk Jivraj, Barclays
Nic Johnson, PIMCO
Stephan Kessler, Morgan Stanley
Siebert Kruger, Credit Suisse
Andrew Lapthorne, Societe Generale
Yun Li, Aberdeen Standard Investments
Magnus Linder, Swedbank Robur
Delphine Limpalaër, Societe Generale
Nils Lodberg, BankInvest
Jaime Martinez Gomez, BBVA
Roxton McNeal, UPS Investment Trust
Mark Mehtonen, Square Global Markets
Megan Morgan, Eurex
Boris Molls, BT Pension Scheme Management
Megan Morgan, Eurex
Anthony Morris, Nomura
Lasse Heje Pedersen, AQR Capital Management
Sebastian Rohm, Union Investment
Yazann Romahi, J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Olivier Rousseau, Member of the Executive Board, FRR
Matthew Sargaison, Man Group
Dmytro Sheludcheko, AP1
Adam Shukovsky, PIMCO
Raphael Sobotka, Amundi
Antti Suhonen, MJ Hudson Allenbridge
Geraldine Sundstrom, PIMCO
Serge Tabachnik, Lombard Odier Asset Management
Stefan Thomsen, Union Investment
Julien Turc, BNP Paribas
Sandrine Ungari, Societe Generale
Kari Vatanen, Varma
Day 3 SRI Speakers
Orith Azouly, Natixis
Neven Graillat, BNP Paribas
Christian Kjaer, ATP
Ashim Paun, HSBC
Andreas Stang, PKA