Buyside Forum

West Coast Volatility Forum

September 25 2018

San Francisco | North America

Forum Agenda

2:30 pm — Introduction

Peter Thompson, president and co-founder, EQDerivatives

2:35 pm — Liquidity And Flow In European Vol Markets

Presenter: Cathal Hardiman, IMC

2:45 pm — Eurex Vol Developments Presentation

Presenter: Megan Morgan, Eurex

3:00 pm — 2018 Equity Volatility Market Colors and Opportunities

Presenter: Rachid Alaoui, J.P. Morgan

3:40 pm — Portfolio Manager Panel Discussion


  • Will Bartlett, Parallax Volatility Advisers
  • Brandon Bates, BlackRock
  • Dennis Davitt. Harvest Volatility Management
  • Pav Sethi, Gladius Capital Management

4:30 pm — Wine And Bites

5:30 pm — Forum Concludes