Bhanu Baweja
chief strategist , UBS Investment Bank
Bhanu Baweja is chief strategist for UBS Investment Bank. His team has been rated number 1 for the last 5 years running in Extel and Institutional Investor surveys in EM equity strategy and EM economics and macro strategy categories. Through this time, Bhanu has been ranked the number 1 individual analyst in these categories, with a triple number 1 in equity strategy, economics and sovereign debt hit in 2018. Bhanu began his working life as a tutor with the economics department at the London School of Economics. Educated in India and the UK, Bhanu holds an MSc in finance and economics from the London School of Economics, a Master’s in economics from the Delhi School of Economics, and a BA in economics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. Bhanu is a CFA charter holder.