Eric Sorensen

president and chief executive officer, PanAgora Asset Management

Dr. Eric Sorensen is the president and chief executive officer of PanAgora, and a member of the firm’s board of directors, investment, operating, risk, code of conduct and ethics, and directors’ committees.

He took over leadership in 2004 and established a new research and investment direction for the firm. Prior to joining PanAgora, he was director of quantitative research at Putnam Investments, overseeing the activities of several quantitative teams including equity, fixed income and asset allocation. He was also CIO of structured equity, which managed institutional portfolios using advanced quantitative approaches.

Between 1986 and 2000, Eric was the global head of quantitative research at Salomon Brothers (now Citigroup). After 14 years on Wall Street, he led a group of 55 quantitative analysts comprising teams in New York, London, Singapore, Tokyo and
Australia. During that time, he published extensively, and consulted with institutional investor clients globally. His honors include many years on the Institutional Investor All American Research Team and several Graham and Dodd awards for excellence in
financial writing.

Prior to Wall Street, he was a professor with a productive academic career from 1974 to 1986. He was professor of finance and department head at the University of Arizona. He has published over 50 journal articles and served on the editorial boards of several
academic journals. He is also co-author of the recent book, Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management.

With over 45 years of quantitative research and investment experience, he is a leading expert in the industry. He continues to maintain affiliations in both the industry and academia.