Florian Ielpo
head of macro and multi asset portfolio manager, Lombard Odier Investment Managers

Florian Ielpo is head of macro and multi asset portfolio manager in LOIM’s multi asset group, where he drives the use of macroeconomic inputs in the group’s investment solutions. He rejoined LOIM in August 2021 after a stint as head of macro research and multi-asset portfolio manager at Unigestion. From 2013 to 2015, he was fixed income portfolio manager at LOIM and prior to that at BCV from 2011 to 2013. From 2008 to 2010, he was an econometrician within the global bonds team at Pictet Asset Management. He started his career as an economist at Dexia in 2005.
Florian is a graduate of ENS and ENSAE in Paris. He holds a Ph.D in empirical finance from Sorbonne University. Florian regularly publishes scientific articles and books and teaches empirical finance and quantitative portfolio management techniques at HE Lausanne, Dauphine University and EM Lyon.