Mikkel Svenstrup
chief investment officer, ATP
Mikkel Svenstrup started at ATP in March 2020. He was previously chief investment officer at P+, Pensionskassen for Akademikere, formed via a merger between the pension funds JØP and DIP, a position he has held since January 2017.
Before joining ATP, he was also a member of the board of directors of PKA+ Pension Forsikringsselskab A/S. Prior to P+, he held management positions at Nordea, UBS Investment Bank and Barclays Capital, focusing on advisory business and sales to institutional investors across Scandinavia and the Benelux countries. He is a former co-owner of ScanRate Financial System A/S.
Mikkel is a former external lecturer at Aarhus University and has published in some of the leading international finance journals.
Mikkelholds a cand.scient.oecon (MSc economics) from Aarhus University. He also holds a Ph.D in finance from Aarhus University. Mikkel Svenstrup is married and has three children.
MSc (1999) and Ph.D (2003), Aarhus University